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Coaching packages

Am I worth it?
and other such doubts.

For some reason people tend to be reluctant to pay out on life coaching. They’d rather spend their hard earned cash on shiny trinkets that give instant albeit temporary gratification.


Top performers and athletes all have coaches, even the local primary school football team have a coach, so why not you? 


Coaching is an investment for life, and you’re worth it. By all means try some of the well advertised methods for improving your presenting skills in English;  take (another) English course, brush upon your grammar, learn more vocabulary, watch inspiring TED talks in English by motivational speakers.


However, if you’ve tried all that and are still struggling to communicate easily in English, check my availability and book a time to chat to me. 



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Unlock the Power of
Session Mapping

Session mapping is a new technique I’ve developed during the process of working with both myself and with clients.


Sometimes we have difficulty piecing together the many complex and interrelated components of our lives. To help with this I’ve developed a system where together we map the main elements of your goal or issue as you speak. 


The process allows you to visually and mentally link elements of the coaching topic bringing new clarity to the situation. After the session I email you the map to serve as a reminder of what we’re covered and help you maintain focus until our next session.


The session ‘map’ can be extended each session or a new map can be created. If you're interested in this additional service simply mention it to me at the beginning our our session.

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Let's get started!

Check my availability and book a free 20 minute session to talk about your needs.

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